Cultural resources
Construction of CV Link could cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of archaeological resources pursuant to §15064.5.Construction-related earth-moving operations reaching beyond the disturbed surface and near-surface soils shall be monitored by a qualified archaeologist and Native American monitor. If cultural materials more than 50 years of age are discovered, they will be field recorded and evaluated. The monitors will recover artifacts quickly to avoid construction delays, but will can temporarily halt or divert construction equipment to allow for controlled archaeological recovery if a substantial cultural deposit is encountered.
CVAG will prepare a construction archaeological monitoring program, designed and implemented in coordination with local Native American groups, including the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, and the Twenty-Nine Palms and Cabazon Bands of Mission Indians.
Collected artifacts will be processed, catalogued, analyzed, and prepared for permanent curation in a repository with permanent retrievable storage that would allow for future research.
Archaeological site records will document the cultural remains discovered and submit them to the Eastern Information Center for incorporation into the California Historical Resources Inventory.
Should unknown archeological or tribal materials become unearthed, the qualified archeologist will prepare a findings report summarizing the methods and results of the monitoring program, including an itemized inventory and a detailed analysis of recovered artifacts upon completion of the field and laboratory work. The report will include an interpretation of the cultural activities represented by the artifacts and a discussion of the significance of all archaeological or tribal finds. The submittal of the report to the CVAG, along with final curation of the recovered artifacts, will signify completion of the
monitoring program and, barring unexpected findings of extraordinary significance, the mitigation of potential project impacts on cultural and tribal resources.
All project-related ground disturbance and construction activities, including access and staging area, will remain within the APE boundaries.
In the event that project changes are made to include land not contained within the designated APE, subsequent surveys and revisions to the HPSR, HRER and ASR will be required.
Construction of CV Link could directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature. In the unlikely event paleontological resources be discovered, the cultural monitor will salvage them as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays. The monitor will remove samples of sediments that are likely to contain the remains of small fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. The monitor will have authority to temporarily halt or divert grading and excavation equipment to allow for removal of abundant or large specimens.
Construction of CV Link could disturb human remains, including those interred outside of dedicatedcemeteries. Should buried human remains be discovered during grading or project development, in accordance with State law, the County coroner shall be contacted. If the remains are determined to be of Native American heritage, the Native American Heritage Commission and the appropriate local Native American Tribe shall be contacted to determine the Most Likely Descendant (MLD). CVAG shall work with the designated MLD to determine the final disposition of the remains.
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