- Background and overview
- List of appendicies
- Summary of identified impacts and their mitigations
Impacts and Mitigations
The EIR has 36 pages of impacts and their mitigations presented in a table. While the rest of the document provides more detail, this table succinctly discusses each main consideration. The discussion covers sixteen areas:- Aesthetics
- Air quality
- Biological resources
- Cultural resources
- Geology and soils
- Greenhouse gases *
- Hazards and hazardous materials
- Hydrology and water quality
- Land use and planning
- Energy and mineral resources *
- Noise
- Population and housing *
- Public services
- Recreation
- Traffic and transportation
- Utilities and service systems *
* No "potentially significant" impacts found.
What is an Environmental Impact?
The study has five levels of environmental impacts.- Significant and unavoidable
Those impacts that may create a significant adverse change in the environment. - Potentially significant
Those impacts that may create a significant adverse change in the environment, but whose changes can be managed by certain mitigation measures. - Less than significant
Those impacts that can be reduced to an acceptable or insignificant level through mitigation measures. - No impact
Those conditions that do not impact the environment. - Area of controversy
I cop to not certainly understanding what the study means by the definition: "There are no known areas of controversy in the project’s physical characteristics that are not resolved by project design, development management and operation, mitigation measures or standard on-going monitoring." I believe the intent is to say that the project's designers have considered all possible controversy and incorporated responses as the design developed.
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