This post is part of a series,
CV Link and the Environment. For additional information, read these other posts:
The Appendices
The EIR has a long list of appendices, which provide the detailed analysis of the project, its impacts on the environment, and suggested actions that mitigate the environmental impacts. For the most part, the appendices are more like scientific articles than magazine stories. The following appendices list has direct links to each document:
- A. “Notice of Preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report and Pubic Scoping Meeting,” prepared for Coachella Valley Association of Governments, prepared by LSA Associates, Inc. January, 2014. (172 pages)
- B. CV Link Route Map Book, November, 2016. (80 pages)
- C. CV Link Master Plan Volume 1 & CV Link Master Plan Volume 2 prepared by Alta Planning + Design, Inc. January, 2016. (164+181 pages)
- D. “Visual Impact Assessment”, prepared by Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. September 14, 2016. (80 pages)
- E. “Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Report”, prepared by Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. October, 2016. (468 pages)
- F. “Biological Resource Assessment Report and Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Compliance Analysis”, prepared by Amec Foster Wheeler & Infrastructure, Inc., August 23, 2016. (160 pages)
- G. “Jurisdictional Delineation Report”, prepared by Amec Foster Wheeler & Infrastructure, Inc., Revised November 10, 2016. (158 pages)
- H. “Historical Property Survey Report / Archaeological Survey Report”, November 23, 2016 and “Findings of No Adverse Effect”, prepared by CRM Tech, Inc., November 27, 2016. (page count unavailable—confidential)
- I. “Preliminary Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Background Report”, prepared by Petra Geosciences, Inc., November 7, 2016. (40 pages)
- J. “Initial Site Assessment”, prepared by Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. August, 2016. (1,651 pages)
- K. “Location Hydraulic Study” Prepared by Stantec Consulting, Inc., July 2016. (193 pages)
- L. “Summary Floodplain Encroachment Report” prepared by Stantec Consulting, Inc., July, 2016. (47 pages)
- M. “Natural Environment Study”, prepared by Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc., Revised October 6, 2016. (252 pages)
- N. “Water Quality Assessment Report”, prepared by Stantec Consulting, Inc. September, 2016. (81 pages)
- O. “Noise Impact Analysis”, December 12, 2016 and “CV Link Bridge Pile Driving Noise and Vibration Addendum”, November 9, 2016 prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. (385 pages)
- P. “Community Impact Assessment”, prepared by Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. August, 2016. (98 pages)
- Q. “CV Link Corridor Transportation Analysis”, prepared by Urban Crossroads, October 13, 2016. (1,967 pages)
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