
20 January 2017

CV Link and the Environment, part 2 traffictransportation

Traffic and transportation

CV Link construction could conflict with traffic circulation. Six requirements must be met during construction:
  • Construction activities shall meet or exceed federal, state, and local laws for public safety.
  • Location and design of access points to CV Link and traffic improvements will comply with city standards, under review and approval by the respective City Engineers before construction permits are issued.
  • All necessary permits, approvals, and traffic control plans shall be secured prior to the start of construction, including grading, paving, and other construction at public streets. CVAG will collaborate with the public works departments of each city before site development, to ensure that construction causes minimal disruption to traffic on adjoining city streets.
  • The construction manager will identify and repair any damage to existing public roads at the end of construction. Accidental load spills will be cleaned up immediately.
  • Area lighting will be provided along the CV Link route and associated streets, roadways, and access areas. The lighting will follow proper design for the safe movement of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic and to ensure good visibility under both daylight and nighttime conditions.
  • Construction management and traffic control will maximize the efficiency of construction and minimize the disruption of traffic flow through CV Link construction areas. Special attention will be given to minimize or avoid accessibility issues for nearby residences, businesses, and schools. At least one lane will remain open in each direction, and signage will be installed for road work and/or detours. Emergency vehicle access will not be affected.

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