Tuesday, 18 December 2012
A gentle, abbreviated ride today on Chuck's route with Jeff. We started out shortly after nine, and I begged off half-way through to have enough time to shower and shave before a business meeting scheduled for 10:30.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 57°F at 11:30
Precipitation: none
Winds: 5 mph from the south-southeast
Clothing: jeans, longsleeve undershirt, hoodie
Bike: Trek trail
Time: 00:29:35 for 4.73 miles
Heart rate: 128 bpm HRave, 142 bpm HRmax
Playback of the ride
Originally this journal was a personal record of commuting by bicycle to work, and an occasional essay on commuting successfully and safely. Now retired and in no need to commute to work, I still use my bike for local errands and recreational rides, and I use this blog to advocate for alternative, renewable-energy transportation. Still riding safely too.
18 December 2012
16 December 2012
Return to the Goat Trails
Sunday, 16 December 2012
I left home at noon and returned by 2 p.m.. after a short excusion to the Vons at Gene Autrey and up into the Goat Trails. It was tough, a proof that I'm not ready to bike into the further reaches of the Santa Rosa mountains. I had to stop quite a few times to catch my breath on the inclines around the water towers and to the circular trail at the top of the entry stretch. At least I have a first stake in the sand, a goal to surpass in the short time for Christmas break in Palm Springs.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 59 to 61°F at 13:55
Precipitation: none
Winds: 10 mph from the nor south ea west
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Trek trail
Time: 00:59:27 for 11.95 miles
Heart rate: no data
Playback of the ride
I left home at noon and returned by 2 p.m.. after a short excusion to the Vons at Gene Autrey and up into the Goat Trails. It was tough, a proof that I'm not ready to bike into the further reaches of the Santa Rosa mountains. I had to stop quite a few times to catch my breath on the inclines around the water towers and to the circular trail at the top of the entry stretch. At least I have a first stake in the sand, a goal to surpass in the short time for Christmas break in Palm Springs.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 59 to 61°F at 13:55
Precipitation: none
Winds: 10 mph from the nor south ea west
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Trek trail
Time: 00:59:27 for 11.95 miles
Heart rate: no data
Playback of the ride
21 November 2012
Errands become exploration
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Well, it started out as an errand. I had to deliver a letter to the post office, so it could get on its way as soon as possible. So that's an excuse for a bike ride, right? And while I was going to visit my favorite postal clerk, it was also an excuse to buy several stamps for the company business.
The clerk was her usual friendly self, and our conversation led me to think of going to the gym or taking a bit of a ride. Since the day was bright and a warm 60° F. Since the afternoon marked the beginning of a long holiday weekend. Since I wanted to put off the 7 files of proofreading work waiting in my inbox.
So I headed to the bikeway along the Mad River. But at Eastwood Park, instead of heading south to the gym, I remembered the photos of the new bikeway construction recently posted by the Wright State Riders, and I crossed the lagoon to reach the connector now in development.
The new bikeway is in the third stage of development. The gravel underlayment has been covered by a rough asphalt layer that's nearly level with the surrounding turf. It's fairly clean, though dirt clods on the surface indicate that construction equipment is still active. I squeezed past a small front-loader that was at rest while a crew took a break, and continued on through sparse forested areas and meadows, and then out of the park by passing underneath Harshman Road at the Mad River bridge. The bikeway takes a sharp right, paralleling the street, and the pavement comes to an abrupt end overlooking a stretch of railway, just in sight of the old Harshman Mansion off of Springfield Pike.
From earlier supervision from car trips, I know the path continues between Harshman Road and the mansion as a graded cut into the turf, and that it turns east before it reaches Springfield Pike and ends before it reaches the small cluster of homes that once were known as Huberville. Supposedly, the bikeway will take over one of the lanes of Springfield Pike as it passes underneath the railway and Highway 4. Then it will break away again up to Huffman Dam, where it will join the Huffman Prairie Bikeway that joins Huffman Metropark with Wright State University and Fairborn.
More information on construction as of 18 Feb 2013.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 61°F at 13:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, tights, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time/distance: no estimates
Heart rate: no data
Well, it started out as an errand. I had to deliver a letter to the post office, so it could get on its way as soon as possible. So that's an excuse for a bike ride, right? And while I was going to visit my favorite postal clerk, it was also an excuse to buy several stamps for the company business.
The clerk was her usual friendly self, and our conversation led me to think of going to the gym or taking a bit of a ride. Since the day was bright and a warm 60° F. Since the afternoon marked the beginning of a long holiday weekend. Since I wanted to put off the 7 files of proofreading work waiting in my inbox.
So I headed to the bikeway along the Mad River. But at Eastwood Park, instead of heading south to the gym, I remembered the photos of the new bikeway construction recently posted by the Wright State Riders, and I crossed the lagoon to reach the connector now in development.
The new bikeway is in the third stage of development. The gravel underlayment has been covered by a rough asphalt layer that's nearly level with the surrounding turf. It's fairly clean, though dirt clods on the surface indicate that construction equipment is still active. I squeezed past a small front-loader that was at rest while a crew took a break, and continued on through sparse forested areas and meadows, and then out of the park by passing underneath Harshman Road at the Mad River bridge. The bikeway takes a sharp right, paralleling the street, and the pavement comes to an abrupt end overlooking a stretch of railway, just in sight of the old Harshman Mansion off of Springfield Pike.
From earlier supervision from car trips, I know the path continues between Harshman Road and the mansion as a graded cut into the turf, and that it turns east before it reaches Springfield Pike and ends before it reaches the small cluster of homes that once were known as Huberville. Supposedly, the bikeway will take over one of the lanes of Springfield Pike as it passes underneath the railway and Highway 4. Then it will break away again up to Huffman Dam, where it will join the Huffman Prairie Bikeway that joins Huffman Metropark with Wright State University and Fairborn.
More information on construction as of 18 Feb 2013.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 61°F at 13:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, tights, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time/distance: no estimates
Heart rate: no data
17 November 2012
Why I'm not commuting
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Today was cool, but great for a two-layer ride. And this was my first ride in a couple weeks, during a long fallow period of riding because of classes taken at Wright State. And for other reasons.
What's been keeping me from commuting
It has been 9 months since I commuted to work regularly by bike. My last work commute was a day before Eastman Kodak "offered" me "early retirement." On the same day they served lay-off notices to the first 30% wave of their employees. Over that period, I've been rethinking what it must mean now to use my bicycle in a meaningful way that relates to commuting by bike, now that my workplace is my home.
I've been busy in the past 9 months, busier even than when I was a direct employee. The time saw a change in mindset from job hunting to building a viable business. Eastman Kodak provided 8 weeks of coaching for the job hunt, hosted by Judith Schimpf, a sensitive facilitator at Lee Hecht Harrison. I ended the sessions early to start taking Summer classes in marketing at Wright State. I started with the basic Introduction to Marketing, taught by Dr. Wakiuru Wamwara-Mbugua, whose pre-professorial experience included several demographic and interest group studies. Then I completed the Summer with Entrepreneurial Small Business, taught by Dr. Kendall Goodrich. His background includes management positions in large companies' marketing departments, and his advice superbly guided the building of a Business Plan for what was to become my company. And now I'm studying College Algebra, a pre-requisite for taking Managerial Finance.
At least since the Entrepreneurship class, my business Documentorium has been gestating. I've become more receptive to contracts instead of a direct position (though Chuck is much less comfortable with the idea than I). I've designed a simple business card and brochure, with stationery to match. I've gone to two trade shows now, and I have planned and started an approach to contacting target clients. I've been practicing my Elevator Pitch in phone calls and meetings. It's getting honed and focused as I use it. Best news: I've been active with a couple contracted jobs, though I'm not working full-time yet in a writing capacity. So where I have available time, I spend it in administrative and sales activities.
What's been my biking activity—and hope
In this time of transition, I've biked to the local post office when I had books to deliver after they sold from our Amazon storefront, Words and Beyond. I biked also a few times to the Second Street Market. But for the most part, my bike leaned on the wall while I drove to classes at Wright State University and to errands.
I know that the direct route to Wright State is not one I want to use for biking. Way back in 1980, I had taken the route along Colonel Glenn Highway and Airway. Even then the traffic was extraordinarily heavy, and it's worse—much worse—now. There is good news, though; construction is underway on a dedicated route that can end at the university. Perhaps as soon as late Spring 2013, Five Rivers MetroParks will complete a connector between Eastwood Park and Huffman Dam. Then the route will be indirect, but safe—a ride of 12 miles that should be easily done in 50 minutes.
Reconsidering the bike commute
So working from home means rethinking what a commute is. One alternative: take a morning ride to prepare for work at home or a late afternoon ride to mark the end of the workday at home. Another alternative: use more errands as opportunities for bike commuting. Another alternative: rethink my comfort level, so I can dress in casual business instead of cycling lycra and arrive at a destination without needing a shower.
Today's ride conditions
I started out around 3 p.m., took the bikeways to the gym that was known as Cardinal Fitness (now it's Every Body Fitness), and turned around for the return trip. I checked my time about a mile after the turnaround: 4:19. Then after coming up from the bikeway and riding the neighborhood streets back home, I saw Marty Moseman and talked with her for a bit before I got home at 5:10.
Temperature: 53 to 59°F at 16:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: 5 to 15 mph from the south and east
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, light tights, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time: about 2:00:00 for about 26 miles
Heart rate: no data
Bikeway users: no data
Today was cool, but great for a two-layer ride. And this was my first ride in a couple weeks, during a long fallow period of riding because of classes taken at Wright State. And for other reasons.
What's been keeping me from commuting
It has been 9 months since I commuted to work regularly by bike. My last work commute was a day before Eastman Kodak "offered" me "early retirement." On the same day they served lay-off notices to the first 30% wave of their employees. Over that period, I've been rethinking what it must mean now to use my bicycle in a meaningful way that relates to commuting by bike, now that my workplace is my home.
I've been busy in the past 9 months, busier even than when I was a direct employee. The time saw a change in mindset from job hunting to building a viable business. Eastman Kodak provided 8 weeks of coaching for the job hunt, hosted by Judith Schimpf, a sensitive facilitator at Lee Hecht Harrison. I ended the sessions early to start taking Summer classes in marketing at Wright State. I started with the basic Introduction to Marketing, taught by Dr. Wakiuru Wamwara-Mbugua, whose pre-professorial experience included several demographic and interest group studies. Then I completed the Summer with Entrepreneurial Small Business, taught by Dr. Kendall Goodrich. His background includes management positions in large companies' marketing departments, and his advice superbly guided the building of a Business Plan for what was to become my company. And now I'm studying College Algebra, a pre-requisite for taking Managerial Finance.
At least since the Entrepreneurship class, my business Documentorium has been gestating. I've become more receptive to contracts instead of a direct position (though Chuck is much less comfortable with the idea than I). I've designed a simple business card and brochure, with stationery to match. I've gone to two trade shows now, and I have planned and started an approach to contacting target clients. I've been practicing my Elevator Pitch in phone calls and meetings. It's getting honed and focused as I use it. Best news: I've been active with a couple contracted jobs, though I'm not working full-time yet in a writing capacity. So where I have available time, I spend it in administrative and sales activities.
What's been my biking activity—and hope
In this time of transition, I've biked to the local post office when I had books to deliver after they sold from our Amazon storefront, Words and Beyond. I biked also a few times to the Second Street Market. But for the most part, my bike leaned on the wall while I drove to classes at Wright State University and to errands.
I know that the direct route to Wright State is not one I want to use for biking. Way back in 1980, I had taken the route along Colonel Glenn Highway and Airway. Even then the traffic was extraordinarily heavy, and it's worse—much worse—now. There is good news, though; construction is underway on a dedicated route that can end at the university. Perhaps as soon as late Spring 2013, Five Rivers MetroParks will complete a connector between Eastwood Park and Huffman Dam. Then the route will be indirect, but safe—a ride of 12 miles that should be easily done in 50 minutes.
Reconsidering the bike commute
So working from home means rethinking what a commute is. One alternative: take a morning ride to prepare for work at home or a late afternoon ride to mark the end of the workday at home. Another alternative: use more errands as opportunities for bike commuting. Another alternative: rethink my comfort level, so I can dress in casual business instead of cycling lycra and arrive at a destination without needing a shower.
Today's ride conditions
I started out around 3 p.m., took the bikeways to the gym that was known as Cardinal Fitness (now it's Every Body Fitness), and turned around for the return trip. I checked my time about a mile after the turnaround: 4:19. Then after coming up from the bikeway and riding the neighborhood streets back home, I saw Marty Moseman and talked with her for a bit before I got home at 5:10.
Temperature: 53 to 59°F at 16:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: 5 to 15 mph from the south and east
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, light tights, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time: about 2:00:00 for about 26 miles
Heart rate: no data
Bikeway users: no data
30 August 2012
Trails around Wright State
Thursday, 30 August 2012
I took a short ride around the Wright State campus today, following the treeline from the furthest parking lot to the Nutter Center. Nearly past the Center, I found what I sought: an entrance into the forest and a pathway suitable for off-road exercise. The trail systems are not very lengthy through the forests around WSU, but enough is there for an hour's trail ride. Most of the trails are double-track, some graveled, some packed earth. And they offer one stream crossing and quite a few hops over fallen trees.
The forest also has some path openings close to the Creative Arts and Library, but they are marked as part of the Biological Sciences preserve or study areas. Good to see the markings and know that plenty of other paths are available, so these can be left free from bothering the natural habitat.
I plan to find an outdoor activities group similar to the one that has developed at University of Dayton. Perhaps interest can be built for truly developing part of the forest areas for off-road biking.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 78 to 82°F at 11:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Mongoose MGX-D40 trail
Time: about an hour, distance unknown *
Heart rate: unknown *
Path users: 1 pedestrian, close to a campus-forest opening
* no Playback of the ride available, Garmin is on the blink
I took a short ride around the Wright State campus today, following the treeline from the furthest parking lot to the Nutter Center. Nearly past the Center, I found what I sought: an entrance into the forest and a pathway suitable for off-road exercise. The trail systems are not very lengthy through the forests around WSU, but enough is there for an hour's trail ride. Most of the trails are double-track, some graveled, some packed earth. And they offer one stream crossing and quite a few hops over fallen trees.
The forest also has some path openings close to the Creative Arts and Library, but they are marked as part of the Biological Sciences preserve or study areas. Good to see the markings and know that plenty of other paths are available, so these can be left free from bothering the natural habitat.
I plan to find an outdoor activities group similar to the one that has developed at University of Dayton. Perhaps interest can be built for truly developing part of the forest areas for off-road biking.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 78 to 82°F at 11:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Mongoose MGX-D40 trail
Time: about an hour, distance unknown *
Heart rate: unknown *
Path users: 1 pedestrian, close to a campus-forest opening
* no Playback of the ride available, Garmin is on the blink
1 layer,
Wright State University
25 August 2012
Taint of the Tour
According to analysis by the New York Times, one third of the top-ten finsihers in the Tour de France from 1998 to 2011 "have admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs at some point in their careers or have been officially linked to doping."
Those who follow professional cycling are not surprised. Unless it is the surprise of the obverse: two thirds of top finishers have not (yet) admitted to use or been officially linked to use. The list of untainted competitors incudes:
These indeed are top athletes, and they are a strong argument against the actual enhancements to performance that doping may bring.
That is, if indeed these athletes compete "clean."
Those who follow professional cycling are not surprised. Unless it is the surprise of the obverse: two thirds of top finishers have not (yet) admitted to use or been officially linked to use. The list of untainted competitors incudes:
- José Azevedo (2 top-ten finishes)
- Vladimir Belli
- Joseba Beloki (3 top-ten finishes)
- Michael Boogerd (2 top-ten finishes)
- Santiago Botero (3 top-ten finishes)+
- Janez Brajkovič
- Angel Casero
- Damiano Cunego
- Tom Danielson
- Cyril Dessel
- Fernando Escartin (2 top-ten finishes)
- Cadel Evans (6 top-ten finishes)*
- Chris Froome *
- Robert Gesink
- Roberto Heras (2 top-ten finishes) +
- Ryder Hesjedal
- Chris Horner
- Bobby Julich
- Kim Kirchen (2 top-ten finishes)
- Andrei Kivilev
- Andreas Klöden (3 top-ten finishes) +
- Roman Kreuziger (2 top-ten finishes)
- Christophe le Mével
- Luis León Sánchez
- Francisco Mancebo (4 top-ten finishes)
- Iban Mayo +
- Denis Menchov (3 top-ten finishes)
- Axel Merckx
- Daniele Nardello (3 top-ten finishes)
- Vincenzo Nibali (2 top-ten finishes)*
- Jean-Christophe Péraud
- Óscar Pereiro (4 top-ten finishes) +
- Andrea Peron +
- Thibaut Pinot
- Yaroslav Popovych +
- Michael Rasmussen +
- Christophe Rinero
- Jean-Cyril Robin
- Michael Rogers
- Pierre Rolland (2 top-ten finishes)*
- Samuel Sánchez (3 top-ten finishes)
- Carlos Sastre (6 top-ten finishes)
- Andy Schleck (3 top-ten finishes)
- Marcos Antonio Serrano
- François Simon
- Georg Totschnig
- Jurgen Van Den Broeck (2 top-ten finishes)*
- Christian Vande Velde (2 top-ten finishes)
- Tejay van Garderen *
- Thomas Voeckler
- Bradley Wiggins (2 top-ten finishes)*
- Haimar Zubeldia (4 top-ten finishes)*
- * 2012 top-ten finisher, not included in the NYT analysis.
- + Subject of doping allegations, not necessarily proven.
These indeed are top athletes, and they are a strong argument against the actual enhancements to performance that doping may bring.
That is, if indeed these athletes compete "clean."
23 August 2012
Metroparks training and a ride—Armstrong update
Thursday, 23 August 2012
My ride today was partially transportation (getting to an evening volunteers' meeting for Five Rivers Metroparks) and part recreation (a ride up the Stillwater Trail to Needmore Avenue, and the return home). Gentle stuff, and a good balance to the morning spent driving to several errands, including to the bookstore at Wright State.
One of these days, there may be a safe and sane way to Wright State by bike. Just not yet. These three routes all involve riding among fast traffic.
About a year from now, the best route will use the connector now in construction between Eastwood Park and Huffman Dam. 6.21 miles.
Now the titles have been passed to
I hold that Mr. Armstrong will long be considered the notable champion who won—unofficially after all—seven consecutive yellow jerseys. Whether through doping or "clean" efforts, his endurance, power, team leadership, and tactical keenness cannot be denied. The Tour de France is much more than a merely physical feat. Any winner deserves note. (Let us relieve even Floyd Landis of his lasting irritation!)
I believe that, though the USADA and other sports agencies have won through persistence, this may mark the beginning of their demise. Perhaps there may rise parallel sporing events, one track for untested competitors who make no claims of "clean" effort, the other track for undoped competitors who attest and may be tested to compete without drug enhancements. The events could be held with intermixed starts and with award ceremonies that honor both classes of athletes separately.
The possibility reminds me of the short story "Games Without Frontiers" by P. Klein, in which the athlete protagonist, "Al was of a privileged class. His genetics determined that he would respond well, not only to intense physical training and stress, but to the many drugs and nutritional supplements which would be injected, fed (force-fed if necessary), and inhaled by the athlete in the course of his training and competition. ...He basked in chemical glows, byproducts of the masses of steroids, branched-chain amino acids, and euphorics he was given."Mach 18, June 1989 And in the stadium, the roar of the crowd was not distinguishable from a roar in his head.
I believe that fandom can well broaden to celebrate both clean and doped athletes. After all, doping has a long history, and media has celebrated powerful athletes more than once while winking about the purported lack of drugs.
Temperature: 69°F at 19:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: 3 mph
Clothing: Skinsuit, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time: 1:01:08 for 15.26 miles
Heart rate: 123 bpm HRave, 154 bpm HRmax
Playback of the ride
My ride today was partially transportation (getting to an evening volunteers' meeting for Five Rivers Metroparks) and part recreation (a ride up the Stillwater Trail to Needmore Avenue, and the return home). Gentle stuff, and a good balance to the morning spent driving to several errands, including to the bookstore at Wright State.
One of these days, there may be a safe and sane way to Wright State by bike. Just not yet. These three routes all involve riding among fast traffic.
- From the Creekside Trailhead at Eastwood Park, up Springfield Street to its intersection with the Wright Brothers-Huffman Prairie Trail, to the north side of the WSU campus. Springfield Street is especially busy at the Air Force rush hours of 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. 5.64 miles.
- From the Creekside Trail intersection with Airway Avenue, up Colonel Glenn to the southwest corner of the WSU campus. Traffic flows between 45 and 55 mph, and shoulders are non-existent or very narrow. 5.19 miles.
- From the Creekside Trail intersection with Grange Hall Road, up Grange Hall and residential streets in Beavercreek to cross U.S. 35 at Grange Hall, and then Colonel Glenn to the southwest corner of the WSU campus. Traffic flows on Grange Hall at 45 mph, on Colonel Glenn at 45 to 55 mph, and shoulders are non-existent. 12.42 miles.
About a year from now, the best route will use the connector now in construction between Eastwood Park and Huffman Dam. 6.21 miles.
Lance Acquiesces, USADA Strips Records
The L.A. Times reports that Lance Armstrong has given up in his fight against the charges by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency that Armstrong used banned substances since 1996, including the blood-booster EPO and steroids. Soon after, the USADA announced that it will ban Armstrong from cycling for life and strip him of his titles, including seven Tour de France victories.Now the titles have been passed to
- 1999—Alex Zülle of Switzerland, in the Banesto team, whose total time behind Mr. Armstrong was 7:37. In 1998, Mr. Zülle was part of the Festina team, which was banned from the 1998 Tour de France amid doping allegations Five Festina riders including Zülle admitted taking EPO.
- 2000—Jan Ullrich of Germany, in the 2000 Telekom team, who was behind Mr. Armstrong by 6:02. Mr. Ullrich won a gold medal and a silver medal in the 2000 Olympics.
- 2001—Jan Ullrich, who was behind Mr. Armstrong by 6:44. In this Tour, Mr. Armstrong crashed and Mr. Ullrich waited for his competitor to resaddle and rejoin the race.
- 2002—Joseba Beloki of Spain, riding in the 2000 Once team, who was behind Mr. Armstrong by 7:17. Mr. Beloki had finished third in the 2001 Tour de France, and performed well in the 2002 Vuelta à Espanña.
- 2003—Jan Ullrich, who was behind Mr. Armstrong by 1:01. Again in this Tour, Mr. Armstrong crashed after catching a musette, and again Mr. Ullrich waited until his rival had rejoined the race.
- 2004—Andreas Klöden of Germany, riding in the T-Mobile team, who was 6:19 behind Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Klöden had competed with honors in 2003, was national road race champion in 2004, and did well for several following years. However, it was alleged that he had received an illegal blood transfusion during the 2006 Tour de France.
- 2005—Ivan Basso of Italy, riding in Team CSC, who finished 4:40 behind Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Basso was banned from racing in the 2006 Tour because of alleged blood doping under Dr. Fuentes in a Spanish clinic.
I hold that Mr. Armstrong will long be considered the notable champion who won—unofficially after all—seven consecutive yellow jerseys. Whether through doping or "clean" efforts, his endurance, power, team leadership, and tactical keenness cannot be denied. The Tour de France is much more than a merely physical feat. Any winner deserves note. (Let us relieve even Floyd Landis of his lasting irritation!)
I believe that, though the USADA and other sports agencies have won through persistence, this may mark the beginning of their demise. Perhaps there may rise parallel sporing events, one track for untested competitors who make no claims of "clean" effort, the other track for undoped competitors who attest and may be tested to compete without drug enhancements. The events could be held with intermixed starts and with award ceremonies that honor both classes of athletes separately.
The possibility reminds me of the short story "Games Without Frontiers" by P. Klein, in which the athlete protagonist, "Al was of a privileged class. His genetics determined that he would respond well, not only to intense physical training and stress, but to the many drugs and nutritional supplements which would be injected, fed (force-fed if necessary), and inhaled by the athlete in the course of his training and competition. ...He basked in chemical glows, byproducts of the masses of steroids, branched-chain amino acids, and euphorics he was given."Mach 18, June 1989 And in the stadium, the roar of the crowd was not distinguishable from a roar in his head.
I believe that fandom can well broaden to celebrate both clean and doped athletes. After all, doping has a long history, and media has celebrated powerful athletes more than once while winking about the purported lack of drugs.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 69°F at 19:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: 3 mph
Clothing: Skinsuit, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time: 1:01:08 for 15.26 miles
Heart rate: 123 bpm HRave, 154 bpm HRmax
Playback of the ride
Getting Ready to Commute Again
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
I've been off regular riding for more than ten weeks, due to Summer classes I've been taking at Wright State University. Then before that, I had no workday commute, since my work was at home, looking for a new employer. Now with two As on my transcript and after a couple companies have contacted me on my submitted resumé, it seems to be time to get back into commuting shape. Who knows where I'll be working, but it may be soon. (I hope.)
Today's ride was a leisurely 14.6 mph, starting with a book delivery to the Post Office and continuing on to the gym at Forrer and Smithville. (It used to be Cardinal Fitness, but a new owner has changed the name to Every Body Fitness.) The ride included a half-hour upper body workout of fairly low intensity.
I included a short leg out the drive from the Eastwood lagoons to the park entrance on Woodman, to check out the new construction of the connector to Huffman Park. The bikeway is staked out through Eastwood to its route underneath the bridge over the Mad River, and most of the path has received initial scraping. The equipment was actively scraping in mid-afternoon, and only a quarter mile remained unscraped in the park. I spoke to one of the men as he took a break in his pickup. They plan to complete the underlayment of gravel this year, and to apply asphalt in early 2013. The bikeway should be open by Summer 2013.
I told him that he should be proud of the work being done, since it provides a much needed link between Eastwood and Huffman parks. And an indirect, but important connection to Wright State University.
The construction of Highway 35 continues, and the Iron Horse Trail is broken into loose dirt just south of its juncture with the Creekside Trail. However, even during periods of actual work, the crews allow passage when it's safe to do so. The gates at either end of the bikeway through the construction area are movable—and light enough for almost anyone—to allow easy access.
Click here for information on other bikeway closures.
Precipitation: none
Winds: Variable 3.5 mph
Clothing: Skinsuit, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time: 1:43:04 for 25.32 mi miles
Heart rate: 131 bpm HRave, 157 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: no count
Playback of the ride
I've been off regular riding for more than ten weeks, due to Summer classes I've been taking at Wright State University. Then before that, I had no workday commute, since my work was at home, looking for a new employer. Now with two As on my transcript and after a couple companies have contacted me on my submitted resumé, it seems to be time to get back into commuting shape. Who knows where I'll be working, but it may be soon. (I hope.)
Today's ride was a leisurely 14.6 mph, starting with a book delivery to the Post Office and continuing on to the gym at Forrer and Smithville. (It used to be Cardinal Fitness, but a new owner has changed the name to Every Body Fitness.) The ride included a half-hour upper body workout of fairly low intensity.
I included a short leg out the drive from the Eastwood lagoons to the park entrance on Woodman, to check out the new construction of the connector to Huffman Park. The bikeway is staked out through Eastwood to its route underneath the bridge over the Mad River, and most of the path has received initial scraping. The equipment was actively scraping in mid-afternoon, and only a quarter mile remained unscraped in the park. I spoke to one of the men as he took a break in his pickup. They plan to complete the underlayment of gravel this year, and to apply asphalt in early 2013. The bikeway should be open by Summer 2013.
I told him that he should be proud of the work being done, since it provides a much needed link between Eastwood and Huffman parks. And an indirect, but important connection to Wright State University.
The construction of Highway 35 continues, and the Iron Horse Trail is broken into loose dirt just south of its juncture with the Creekside Trail. However, even during periods of actual work, the crews allow passage when it's safe to do so. The gates at either end of the bikeway through the construction area are movable—and light enough for almost anyone—to allow easy access.
Click here for information on other bikeway closures.
Charles Love
Charles experienced a solo crash this past Tuesday that left him with abrasions and a broken clavicle. But he's still smiling, and his bike is OK.Ride conditions
Temperature: 84°F at 14:45Precipitation: none
Winds: Variable 3.5 mph
Clothing: Skinsuit, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed 48x16
Time: 1:43:04 for 25.32 mi miles
Heart rate: 131 bpm HRave, 157 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: no count
Playback of the ride
24 March 2012
Set up the suspension for your mountain bike
My MGT mountain bike really is a product of my frugality. (Some would say cheapness.) I bought it at a pawn shop on East Third Street. It had great promise in my eyes, even with the broken cables, rusted chain, and sheared bar-end grips. I was lucky that the bright yellow color didn't raise its price in the appraiser's mind, and that the selling price was only twenty-five bucks.
I took the MGT in to my buddy Brian at Links & Kinks, and he refurbed it for the cost of a thorough tune-up. I was on the trail after spending less than $150.
That was a couple years ago. After buying another bike in Palm Springs and using it on the rocky hills there, I've become more discerning, more demanding of the performance on the trails. I'm still happy with the MGT, even though it's a small frame, so I don't intend to buy into the next level of performance. Instead, I've begun to pay attention to the suspension.
I noticed in one of my first rides this spring that the front forks really didn't have much movement. So I had Brian look at it, and he saw that the forks had seized. Where the forks should compress about 20% when I get on the bike, there was less than 5% change. On the trail, I could sense a bit of response in the forks, but not much.
So I asked Brian to replace the front fork and its suspension. Now the bike is so much more enjoyable. More responsive when I pull up to hop a log. Less of a jolt when the front wheel sets back down after a jump or hop. And more sensitive to my need to change direction as I pass through two shoulder-width trees and need to avoid a third tree that encroaches the path.
Now I’m no expert at the workings of front and rear suspension systems, but I do know that the suspension has to be set up for your weight and riding style. The right setting can make you faster, the bike more controlable, and the ride more enjoyable.
- Check the air pressure in your fork each season. The manufacturer usually recommends air pressure for your weight, and you should check it annually. Either the shocks will lose some seal contact or your weight may be different.
- Each time you ride, check the amount of displacement as you mount the bike. Both the front shocks and rear suspension should drop about 20% of the available movement.
- A stiffer setup loses the full travel of your suspension, and the bike bounces more through rocky terrain instead of smoothly tracking through. You may loose traction in corners, too.
- Too much cushioning can allow the suspension to bottom out on bigger hits, and you may feel like you’re riding a sofa with worn springs.
Thanks to for many ideas in this post.
28 February 2012
Breakout from the job hunt
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Finally today I broke out of my cycle of breakfast-computer-lunch-computer-dinner-computer work to find a quick replacement for working at Kodak. The replacement was only for an hour-long ride along the Creekside Trail, but it served to break the monotony I had set up since leaving Kodak on February 20. It was a monotony tinged with depression, though I haven't felt depressed.
I know that it's for the best to be out of the work environment at Kodak. First, the atmosphere was toxic and every opportunity was taken to tear down my confidence as a writer. Second, the technologies in use to write documents were solidified and not forward-looking. Third, opportunity for advancement was absent. Fourth, the company's continuing failure to succeed meant that wages were stagnant, and I had taken a financial hit of almost 18% over five years.
I needed this kick in the pants. For some four years, I asserted that I should move out of Kodak. But never did I take resolute steps to do so. At first, in 2008, I was busy guiding the implementation of single-source writing. That program proved its viability by using a single set of files to support three parallel but separate products. But after two years, the progress was pulled back to traditional processes, and another team lead was chosen to do this. It took two years to reset the single-source files into three separate and independent books. Now I've been let go, once the status quo has been re-established. And I now have two months of salary without a requirement to work at the office. I use every moment for developing prospects for my next work situation.
Now perhaps I've come to a point where I can pull back a bit on the focused searching. I have resumés placed with many temp agencies and contracted services. I have search profiles set up with an array of job search engines. I have initial contacts with a network of professionals in the area. Perhaps the next major step will be to set up a similar framework for a possible job in the area around Palm Springs ...just in case. But for now, after ten days away from commuting by bike, I have both time and weather in my favor.
And I took the same route that I have as a commuter, down to the Miami River Bikeway, up the Mad River, and south on the Creekside Trail. But a change: I realize that I've reached the extent of a half-ride at Airway Boulevard, and I turn around to head home. With the turnaround, I head back to work ... at home.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 49 to 55°F at 15:00
Precipitation: none
Winds: 5 to 10 mph from the southeast
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850 27x30-48x12 hybrid
Time: 00:57:07 for 13.80 miles
Heart rate: 130 bpm HRave, 150 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 2 cyclists, 1 pedestrian
Playback of the ride
Finally today I broke out of my cycle of breakfast-computer-lunch-computer-dinner-computer work to find a quick replacement for working at Kodak. The replacement was only for an hour-long ride along the Creekside Trail, but it served to break the monotony I had set up since leaving Kodak on February 20. It was a monotony tinged with depression, though I haven't felt depressed.
I know that it's for the best to be out of the work environment at Kodak. First, the atmosphere was toxic and every opportunity was taken to tear down my confidence as a writer. Second, the technologies in use to write documents were solidified and not forward-looking. Third, opportunity for advancement was absent. Fourth, the company's continuing failure to succeed meant that wages were stagnant, and I had taken a financial hit of almost 18% over five years.
I needed this kick in the pants. For some four years, I asserted that I should move out of Kodak. But never did I take resolute steps to do so. At first, in 2008, I was busy guiding the implementation of single-source writing. That program proved its viability by using a single set of files to support three parallel but separate products. But after two years, the progress was pulled back to traditional processes, and another team lead was chosen to do this. It took two years to reset the single-source files into three separate and independent books. Now I've been let go, once the status quo has been re-established. And I now have two months of salary without a requirement to work at the office. I use every moment for developing prospects for my next work situation.
Now perhaps I've come to a point where I can pull back a bit on the focused searching. I have resumés placed with many temp agencies and contracted services. I have search profiles set up with an array of job search engines. I have initial contacts with a network of professionals in the area. Perhaps the next major step will be to set up a similar framework for a possible job in the area around Palm Springs ...just in case. But for now, after ten days away from commuting by bike, I have both time and weather in my favor.
And I took the same route that I have as a commuter, down to the Miami River Bikeway, up the Mad River, and south on the Creekside Trail. But a change: I realize that I've reached the extent of a half-ride at Airway Boulevard, and I turn around to head home. With the turnaround, I head back to work ... at home.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 49 to 55°F at 15:00
Precipitation: none
Winds: 5 to 10 mph from the southeast
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850 27x30-48x12 hybrid
Time: 00:57:07 for 13.80 miles
Heart rate: 130 bpm HRave, 150 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 2 cyclists, 1 pedestrian
Playback of the ride
Airway crossing,
Creekside Trail,
Eastman Kodak,
two layers
20 February 2012
Decisions were made
Monday, 20 February 2012
So the axe has fallen. Eight members of the Engineering Services department were laid off, and two more have yet to know because of a vacation day or short-term disability. I wish the very best to those who make this sudden change from employment with Eastman Kodak: Kathy B, Mike D, Tom N, Ted R, Tony S, Greg S, and Linh V. Our department manager, Bruce B, has yet to know whether he himself remains at Kodak.
I met with Bruce at 10:00, and after a bit of small talk, Bruce read from a script that Kodak had prepared for him. I interrupted a couple times to clarify a point, but his script was short—and well performed, though Bruce avoided much eye contact. I covered each point I needed to with full composure. I was especially careful not to let out a whoop of joy that I would now have full 8-hour days to pursue another position.
I returned to my desk, took my nameplate off my cube wall, wrote an email to my friends outside of work, and sent out a prepared good-by to many colleagues at work. I looked for several close colleagues to say good-by in person, and closed up the last box of personal belongings that I needed to remove from the office. I was out the door by 11:15, and heading to the gym for an upper-body workout.
On my way home, I stopped at Fricker's just in case some people from Kodak were there for lunch. Only four were, and they suggested meeting at The Pub around 4:30. That doesn't seem now to be a great plan—it's time instead to follow up on search results I had found from Indeed.com.
I don't believe that Eastman Kodak is at the point of thriving. Too much dead wood weighs down the very top of the company, and that includes Antonio Perez, Phil Faraci, and others who share leadership positions and board of director positions. The highest levels of Kodak are incestuous and self-perpetuating in their delusions. Kodak hasn't the nimbleness to find a logical and inventive way out of its backwardness, and Kodak may be now overly downsizing that small component that was to be the company's white knight.
I predict that Kodak will stop making film stock for cinema, that the photo kiosks will become part of history, and that the Kodak Gallery will steadily lose what market share it has now. Kodak's frenzied litigation to uphold its intellectual property rights will dwindle after several rulings against its asserted pain, and the portfolio of 1100 patents will largely not be sold, as their aging complexion loses to the beauty of new ideas As for the Dayton division that designs and builds inkjet, digital-data printing presses, it might have done well on its own, but now the Kodak modus has overtaken what innovation was there.
So the axe has fallen. Eight members of the Engineering Services department were laid off, and two more have yet to know because of a vacation day or short-term disability. I wish the very best to those who make this sudden change from employment with Eastman Kodak: Kathy B, Mike D, Tom N, Ted R, Tony S, Greg S, and Linh V. Our department manager, Bruce B, has yet to know whether he himself remains at Kodak.
I met with Bruce at 10:00, and after a bit of small talk, Bruce read from a script that Kodak had prepared for him. I interrupted a couple times to clarify a point, but his script was short—and well performed, though Bruce avoided much eye contact. I covered each point I needed to with full composure. I was especially careful not to let out a whoop of joy that I would now have full 8-hour days to pursue another position.
I returned to my desk, took my nameplate off my cube wall, wrote an email to my friends outside of work, and sent out a prepared good-by to many colleagues at work. I looked for several close colleagues to say good-by in person, and closed up the last box of personal belongings that I needed to remove from the office. I was out the door by 11:15, and heading to the gym for an upper-body workout.
On my way home, I stopped at Fricker's just in case some people from Kodak were there for lunch. Only four were, and they suggested meeting at The Pub around 4:30. That doesn't seem now to be a great plan—it's time instead to follow up on search results I had found from Indeed.com.
I don't believe that Eastman Kodak is at the point of thriving. Too much dead wood weighs down the very top of the company, and that includes Antonio Perez, Phil Faraci, and others who share leadership positions and board of director positions. The highest levels of Kodak are incestuous and self-perpetuating in their delusions. Kodak hasn't the nimbleness to find a logical and inventive way out of its backwardness, and Kodak may be now overly downsizing that small component that was to be the company's white knight.
I predict that Kodak will stop making film stock for cinema, that the photo kiosks will become part of history, and that the Kodak Gallery will steadily lose what market share it has now. Kodak's frenzied litigation to uphold its intellectual property rights will dwindle after several rulings against its asserted pain, and the portfolio of 1100 patents will largely not be sold, as their aging complexion loses to the beauty of new ideas As for the Dayton division that designs and builds inkjet, digital-data printing presses, it might have done well on its own, but now the Kodak modus has overtaken what innovation was there.
Day of decision
Monnday, 20 February 2012
Yesterday's exercise was a visit to the gym for a leg workout. Though I had aimed to bike to the workout, our friends Russ and Kim called a bit after noon to invite me to join them for dinner. So I cut back my plans: drive to Cardinal Fitness for a workout and use the showers there to prepare for the evening. The leg workout was a careful one, to pay close attention to my right knee that had got injured sometime between last weekend and Saturday's ride at Lagonda Trail. I went through most sets with a 10% reduction in weight and careful attention to alignment of the knees and ankles to hips. After an hour, I knew that any more exercise would be beyond what the knee should be put through.
I returned home to feed Howard and brew a large latte for my drive to Cincinnati. On the drive, I visualized my workday tomorrow, as much as possible. For one thing, I have little control over my meeting with Bruce, my direct supervisor. Bruce emailed his staff Friday that he had a conference room reserved from 7:00 to 11:30 a.m., and that he would call us in alphabetic order for a short meeting. Each of us will be told then whether we are to remain for now with Kodak and participate in the company reorganization or to be laid off. His plan leaves 15 to 20 minutes for each person, and I am near the middle of the list, with seven meetings before mine and eleven after.
Bruce had guessed that the workday would continue for 84% of us, and that the others would process out today. Bruce planned to advising that they should leave to compose themselves and return a day or two later to pack up and say goodby to colleagues. The percentage implies that Bruce will tell three of us that the layoff affects us.
Yesterday's exercise was a visit to the gym for a leg workout. Though I had aimed to bike to the workout, our friends Russ and Kim called a bit after noon to invite me to join them for dinner. So I cut back my plans: drive to Cardinal Fitness for a workout and use the showers there to prepare for the evening. The leg workout was a careful one, to pay close attention to my right knee that had got injured sometime between last weekend and Saturday's ride at Lagonda Trail. I went through most sets with a 10% reduction in weight and careful attention to alignment of the knees and ankles to hips. After an hour, I knew that any more exercise would be beyond what the knee should be put through.
I returned home to feed Howard and brew a large latte for my drive to Cincinnati. On the drive, I visualized my workday tomorrow, as much as possible. For one thing, I have little control over my meeting with Bruce, my direct supervisor. Bruce emailed his staff Friday that he had a conference room reserved from 7:00 to 11:30 a.m., and that he would call us in alphabetic order for a short meeting. Each of us will be told then whether we are to remain for now with Kodak and participate in the company reorganization or to be laid off. His plan leaves 15 to 20 minutes for each person, and I am near the middle of the list, with seven meetings before mine and eleven after.
Bruce had guessed that the workday would continue for 84% of us, and that the others would process out today. Bruce planned to advising that they should leave to compose themselves and return a day or two later to pack up and say goodby to colleagues. The percentage implies that Bruce will tell three of us that the layoff affects us.
If I'm laid off, I want to say, "Of course I feel bad about the news, but I appreciate that the news comes directly from you. I do have a favor to ask you for—that I can receive a good recommendation from you. Especially carefully say I hope that the last year of conflict with Vic can be put aside when you prepare the recommendation. Also be sure to ask Are there any internal jobs that you think are available I can apply for? and ask details on What does Kodak provide for the promised outplacement counseling? and in closing say I hope that you still have your job... and depending on his answer, continue If you are not remaining with the company, what is the best contact information for you? and ask discretely Can you tell me how many in the writing area are being let go? How many are being let go in the engineering services department?"
If I'm not laid off, I want to seem not too disappointed, and say, "So where do we go from here? Do you know which product lines will continue, and whether I'll be shifting from sustaining work on the VL products to development work on the Prosper line?"I've been taking pragmatic steps for a while—packing up boxes and taking them home, archiving documents I produced over the past 20 years, cleaning out the accumulated source material and historical files—since I really expect to be laid off. The last year, or even two years, have been very stressful, and I'll be glad they are history. On my drive home after Kim's wonderful meal, I thought several times, Please, please let me be laid off. How unfortunate it would be to stay! And any later lay-off might have a poorer severance package, since Kodak's problems would have worsened.
18 February 2012
Powder coating and Lagonda Trail
Saturday, 18 February 2012
This morning, I headed off early to Links & Kinks, my most trusted bike shop in the Dayton area, to leave my Lotus Legend for a refinishing. Brian does powder coating, which is a clean process for single-color finishes. A long, long time ago, I sent the same bike to an Indiana company for a beautifully done repaint to a metallic blue as a primary color with a pink forequarter that dripped into the blue. But the pink had faded over the years to whites and several serious chips had allowed a bit of rust to develop at the bottom bracket, chain stays, and downtube. So it's time for a refinish, after about 18 years.
Back in 1984, the refinish had cost over $150, including the breakdown by my local bike shop, shipping, refinishing, and rebuilding. Brian quoted a much lower cost, about half of that cost.
Brian's shop is at the north end of Fairborn, on Broad Street (Highway 444) about a block north of the intersection with Maple Avenue and a quarter mile north of the intersection with Central Avenue (Highway 235). Since I had this errand, I brought my mountain bike with me, and headed on to explore either John Bryan Park outside of Yellow Springs or the LORT (Lagonda Trail off Miracle Mile) in Springfield. John Bryan was closed, and I talked with a park ranger for a short bit, to ask about the trails in Springfield. It turned out he knew only about the paved bikeways, and he told me horror stories about shootings on the path from high vantage points. (Man, I hope that is just his paranoia as a uniformed officer.)
I drove on to Springfield, and found the trail after some unsure driving through town. I took the slowest way possible, off Highway 68 through residential areas to eventually end up on Limestone Street, which I took to connect to Highway 4 just to the east of downtown.
Note: The Lagonda Trail is closed to mountain bikes as of Fall 2012.
I had a hard time finding the parking for the trailhead, as I expected to see well-developed facilities. Hmm, too ready to expect everything is absolutely ready for the crowds of mountain bikers, I guess. The north trailhead needs about $25K from a generous benefactor before it can offer parking, and the south trailhead has room only for a few cars parked closely together.
The trail is suitable for beginner to intermediate riders, though the first 150 yards from the south trailhead offer a sudden jump into the complexities the trail offers a rider. The trail is still in development, though it has come a long way from wilderness, thanks to diligent work from Diana Daniels and others. The trails are discernible with the exception of perhaps 50 feet in the middle of the course. The way is marked very frequently with pink ties around trees on alternating sides of the path. The path is generally free of obstructions, though a few 4- through 8-inch timber cross the path occasionally. All timber is hop-able, and many quick dips and rises make a fun ride without being a huge challenge.
The middle of the course has several flatter sections, particularly as the forest gives way to meadow. Some natural obstacles added in this area could keep the path interesting and form a skills development area. There are two or more natural pools that the trail comes near, and sometimes the trail may be pretty muddy in these sections. So, until the trail becomes more developed, expect not to wear your Sunday Best on the trail ... as if we're afraid of mud!
When I parked, a woman was pulling tools from her Rav4. I asked whether the trails were rideable, and she was emphatic about the need to ride them, even through the soupy spots. She mentioned that she had been working on several stumps, and I asked, "So are you Diana?" Yes, it was the indefatigable Ms. Daniels herself, out again to bring more of the trail into shape.
I'm usually a more timid rider, wary of slipping on wet trails and worried that I might leave ruts. Had I been alone at the trailhead, I would have turned around and waited for a dryer course. But Diana insisted I ride, so my tracks could show her where the better lines were, and how corners can be made crisper or slower. So I encourage you, when other trails around Dayton are closed, go to Lagonda to have some muddy fun.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 43 to 45°F at 12:00 noon
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Mongoose MGX-D40 trail
Time: 00:40:39 for 3.02 miles
Heart rate: 142 bpm HRave, 157 bpm HRmax
Trail users: 1 trail worker
Playback of the ride
This morning, I headed off early to Links & Kinks, my most trusted bike shop in the Dayton area, to leave my Lotus Legend for a refinishing. Brian does powder coating, which is a clean process for single-color finishes. A long, long time ago, I sent the same bike to an Indiana company for a beautifully done repaint to a metallic blue as a primary color with a pink forequarter that dripped into the blue. But the pink had faded over the years to whites and several serious chips had allowed a bit of rust to develop at the bottom bracket, chain stays, and downtube. So it's time for a refinish, after about 18 years.
Back in 1984, the refinish had cost over $150, including the breakdown by my local bike shop, shipping, refinishing, and rebuilding. Brian quoted a much lower cost, about half of that cost.
Brian's shop is at the north end of Fairborn, on Broad Street (Highway 444) about a block north of the intersection with Maple Avenue and a quarter mile north of the intersection with Central Avenue (Highway 235). Since I had this errand, I brought my mountain bike with me, and headed on to explore either John Bryan Park outside of Yellow Springs or the LORT (Lagonda Trail off Miracle Mile) in Springfield. John Bryan was closed, and I talked with a park ranger for a short bit, to ask about the trails in Springfield. It turned out he knew only about the paved bikeways, and he told me horror stories about shootings on the path from high vantage points. (Man, I hope that is just his paranoia as a uniformed officer.)
I drove on to Springfield, and found the trail after some unsure driving through town. I took the slowest way possible, off Highway 68 through residential areas to eventually end up on Limestone Street, which I took to connect to Highway 4 just to the east of downtown.
Note: The Lagonda Trail is closed to mountain bikes as of Fall 2012.
The better way from Yellow Springs is to take Highway 68 north until it becomes a freeway, then take the exit for Ohio 41 and go across town. From Dayton, take I-70 east to the Highway 4-Business I-70 into Springfield, then take Highway 68 north, and the exit for Ohio 41. From this exit, go east as the street becomes West First Street; turn right at a T-intersection with St. Paris Street, and follow this around a turn to the east to become McCreight Avenue, continue on this street at its name change to Mitchell Boulevard, and 3 miles from Highway 68, turn left on Miracle Mile. Take the first left onto a gravel road at a sign for WIZE radio 1520, and park at the out building on the left.
I had a hard time finding the parking for the trailhead, as I expected to see well-developed facilities. Hmm, too ready to expect everything is absolutely ready for the crowds of mountain bikers, I guess. The north trailhead needs about $25K from a generous benefactor before it can offer parking, and the south trailhead has room only for a few cars parked closely together.
The trail is suitable for beginner to intermediate riders, though the first 150 yards from the south trailhead offer a sudden jump into the complexities the trail offers a rider. The trail is still in development, though it has come a long way from wilderness, thanks to diligent work from Diana Daniels and others. The trails are discernible with the exception of perhaps 50 feet in the middle of the course. The way is marked very frequently with pink ties around trees on alternating sides of the path. The path is generally free of obstructions, though a few 4- through 8-inch timber cross the path occasionally. All timber is hop-able, and many quick dips and rises make a fun ride without being a huge challenge.
The middle of the course has several flatter sections, particularly as the forest gives way to meadow. Some natural obstacles added in this area could keep the path interesting and form a skills development area. There are two or more natural pools that the trail comes near, and sometimes the trail may be pretty muddy in these sections. So, until the trail becomes more developed, expect not to wear your Sunday Best on the trail ... as if we're afraid of mud!
![]() |
Diana Daniels, indefatigable trail minder |
I'm usually a more timid rider, wary of slipping on wet trails and worried that I might leave ruts. Had I been alone at the trailhead, I would have turned around and waited for a dryer course. But Diana insisted I ride, so my tracks could show her where the better lines were, and how corners can be made crisper or slower. So I encourage you, when other trails around Dayton are closed, go to Lagonda to have some muddy fun.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 43 to 45°F at 12:00 noon
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, open-finger gloves
Bike: Mongoose MGX-D40 trail
Time: 00:40:39 for 3.02 miles
Heart rate: 142 bpm HRave, 157 bpm HRmax
Trail users: 1 trail worker
Playback of the ride
John Bryan Trail,
Lagonda Trail,
Links and Kinks,
powder coat
17 February 2012
Missed bike-commute day 2012.02 and maybe the last for a while
Friday, 17 February 2012
Today is the second day this year that has good weather to commute by bike. It might be the last opportunity I have to commute to work at Kodak/Dayton.
Near the beginning of February, Kodak announced a 16% reduction in its Dayton division. This followed the long-expected filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection that occurred in January. Within a week of the layoff announcement, eight colleagues in the technical writing area were released from their contracts. The billings for their contracted services had not been paid for at least 60 days, and our department manager had continued to bill their services to a purchase order that he had written and his management chain had approved sometime before the filing for bankruptcy. Though another purchase order was opened after the filing date, its approval was in question, and the contracted workers had to leave...
Now comes the turn for direct employees to ease pressures on the bottom line. Each employee will be told on Monday, 20 February if the layoff includes her or him.
As a matter of pragmatism, I've been preparing myself for no longer working at Kodak. The layoff affects one employee in every six, and at least the first-line managers are also subject to the cut. My boss joked about the possibility of finding out first-thing Monday morning that he is being laid off and then in turn needing to tell 3 to 6 of his reports that they are laid off too. So I plan to drive to work Monday, expecting to carry home the personal articles in my cube and in my locker in the company gym.
That left today as perhaps my last day to commute to work at Kodak.
At home I was suiting up at 7:20 as the fingers of rosy dawn spread across the sky. Then the zipper to my skinsuit stuck. I pulled it down, then up: still stuck. With a couple repeats, the zipper pulled through the hitch. But as the zipper reached the neck, the whole thing split open, with the zipper housing stuck at my adam's apple. I don't know why I didn't just decide to cover the gaping front with another layer, with duct tape even. But instead I fixated on replacing the skinsuit with another and spent several minutes trying to squeeze my head through the neck opening, then slip the top off my shoulders, and then pull the skinsuit down to my hips and off my legs.
Too much time. I realized that leaving even by 7:40 would leave too little time for working through the day. (Why would I care about this, if I really am to be laid off on Monday? Either a sign of optimism or of duty. So what are they gonna do? Fire me?) So I finished getting down to skin, took a long shower that included a leg shave, and headed out the door to perhaps my last full day of work at Kodak.
The mood of ennui, of pointlessness, of fatality pervades the Dayton offices. The ship runs rudderless, the General Manager has stated that all products are under scrutiny, and that some will continue. We work without motive, though the need for continuing work is clear, if the company is to succeed. Until the workforce is culled, product lines cut, and management reorganized, no work seems to have real meaning. But decision has been lacking for a month, and no one looks forward to whatever the result may be. Resignation rules in the wheelhouse, where the Captain and his First Mate should be. Instead, they are holding yet another press conference to utter platitudes: "Business as usual!" and "It is what it is!"
But I do look forward, in a few weeks, to a different destination for my commute. In the meantime, I'll update here for my progress in finding a refreshed bike-commute to a new workplace.
See my resumé.
News Flash! Loop Detectors Sense Your Bike
Ride conditions-for planning
Temperature: 27 to 33°F at 06:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm to 5 mph from the southwest
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, quilted tights, light jacket, quilted full-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850 27x30-48x12 hybrid
Time: no time for 11.95 miles
Heart rate: no data HR
Bikeway users: no data
Today is the second day this year that has good weather to commute by bike. It might be the last opportunity I have to commute to work at Kodak/Dayton.
Near the beginning of February, Kodak announced a 16% reduction in its Dayton division. This followed the long-expected filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection that occurred in January. Within a week of the layoff announcement, eight colleagues in the technical writing area were released from their contracts. The billings for their contracted services had not been paid for at least 60 days, and our department manager had continued to bill their services to a purchase order that he had written and his management chain had approved sometime before the filing for bankruptcy. Though another purchase order was opened after the filing date, its approval was in question, and the contracted workers had to leave...
precipitously... When management became aware of the issues with the purchase orders, the decision came down to end the contracted work that same day.
...and with a built-in cliff-hanger. Because a new purchase order awaited approval, the contracted workers were told that they could be called back at any time, but they should feel free to take another job, if one comes available.
Now comes the turn for direct employees to ease pressures on the bottom line. Each employee will be told on Monday, 20 February if the layoff includes her or him.
As a matter of pragmatism, I've been preparing myself for no longer working at Kodak. The layoff affects one employee in every six, and at least the first-line managers are also subject to the cut. My boss joked about the possibility of finding out first-thing Monday morning that he is being laid off and then in turn needing to tell 3 to 6 of his reports that they are laid off too. So I plan to drive to work Monday, expecting to carry home the personal articles in my cube and in my locker in the company gym.
That left today as perhaps my last day to commute to work at Kodak.
At home I was suiting up at 7:20 as the fingers of rosy dawn spread across the sky. Then the zipper to my skinsuit stuck. I pulled it down, then up: still stuck. With a couple repeats, the zipper pulled through the hitch. But as the zipper reached the neck, the whole thing split open, with the zipper housing stuck at my adam's apple. I don't know why I didn't just decide to cover the gaping front with another layer, with duct tape even. But instead I fixated on replacing the skinsuit with another and spent several minutes trying to squeeze my head through the neck opening, then slip the top off my shoulders, and then pull the skinsuit down to my hips and off my legs.
Too much time. I realized that leaving even by 7:40 would leave too little time for working through the day. (Why would I care about this, if I really am to be laid off on Monday? Either a sign of optimism or of duty. So what are they gonna do? Fire me?) So I finished getting down to skin, took a long shower that included a leg shave, and headed out the door to perhaps my last full day of work at Kodak.
The mood of ennui, of pointlessness, of fatality pervades the Dayton offices. The ship runs rudderless, the General Manager has stated that all products are under scrutiny, and that some will continue. We work without motive, though the need for continuing work is clear, if the company is to succeed. Until the workforce is culled, product lines cut, and management reorganized, no work seems to have real meaning. But decision has been lacking for a month, and no one looks forward to whatever the result may be. Resignation rules in the wheelhouse, where the Captain and his First Mate should be. Instead, they are holding yet another press conference to utter platitudes: "Business as usual!" and "It is what it is!"
But I do look forward, in a few weeks, to a different destination for my commute. In the meantime, I'll update here for my progress in finding a refreshed bike-commute to a new workplace.
See my resumé.
News Flash! Loop Detectors Sense Your Bike
Ride conditions-for planning
Temperature: 27 to 33°F at 06:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm to 5 mph from the southwest
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, quilted tights, light jacket, quilted full-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850 27x30-48x12 hybrid
Time: no time for 11.95 miles
Heart rate: no data HR
Bikeway users: no data
15 February 2012
Commute home, first day 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
A heavy overcast rolled in through the afternoon, and light rain was moving into Cincinnati. Forecasting from the radar animations, I thought Rain may miss the Dayton area even perhaps through the evening and night. No matter the weather, though; I need to leave work exactly at the final moment to be home before sunset.
So I headed from my cube at 5:30, changed in the locker room, and was on my bike by 5:40. I had misjudged the radar indications though. I felt isolated drops throughout the ride. Starting with a drop on the face about every tenth mile, and ending with a few every minute. The road stayed dry through the entire route, and I made it home still dry.
When I brought my bike up the porch steps, twilight had overtaken daylight. I welcome the rain that may come tonight and tomorrow, and the day or two without a bike-commute. The day's length will grow a few precious minutes before I commute by bike again..
Ride conditions
Temperature: 47°F at 17:05
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, tights, light jacket, full-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850 27x30-48x12 hybrid
Time: 00:45:07 for 11.89 miles
Heart rate: 137 bpm HRave, 151 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 3 pedestrians
Playback of the ride
A heavy overcast rolled in through the afternoon, and light rain was moving into Cincinnati. Forecasting from the radar animations, I thought Rain may miss the Dayton area even perhaps through the evening and night. No matter the weather, though; I need to leave work exactly at the final moment to be home before sunset.
So I headed from my cube at 5:30, changed in the locker room, and was on my bike by 5:40. I had misjudged the radar indications though. I felt isolated drops throughout the ride. Starting with a drop on the face about every tenth mile, and ending with a few every minute. The road stayed dry through the entire route, and I made it home still dry.
When I brought my bike up the porch steps, twilight had overtaken daylight. I welcome the rain that may come tonight and tomorrow, and the day or two without a bike-commute. The day's length will grow a few precious minutes before I commute by bike again..
Ride conditions
Temperature: 47°F at 17:05
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, ankle socks, tights, light jacket, full-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850 27x30-48x12 hybrid
Time: 00:45:07 for 11.89 miles
Heart rate: 137 bpm HRave, 151 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 3 pedestrians
Playback of the ride
First commute day for 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
The weekend's snows have passed, leaving only a thin layer that dissipated by evening yesterday. The weather is supposed to clear today and then bring in rain tonight. I decided to make use of the full day of daylight, which is one that stretches to nearly eleven hours and leaves me plenty of time for a commute before and after a work day of 8.5 hours.
Early in the season, as I return to commuting by bike, I expect each way to take up to an hour. So I prepared my departure in anticipation of sunrise at 7:30, and I left as soon as it was well lit, by 7:20.
The bikeway was clean for the most part. Some light mud remained on the path underneath I-75; muddy tractor tracks documented some recent work removing trees near the firemen's training station; very light frost clung to the bridges west and south of Eastwood Park. Otherwise, the way was free of fallen branches and broken glass. This year's light touch of Winter has been easy on the bikeway, which allowed me to begin bike-commuting almost a month earlier than any year that I've kept records.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 34 to 35°F at 07:15
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm to 5 mph from the southwest
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, quilted tights, Gore-tex jacket, ankle socks, quilted gloves
Bike: Trek 850
Time: 00:49:39 for 11.86 miles
Heart rate: 142 bpm HRave, 159 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 1 cyclist, 1 pedestrian
Playback of the ride
The weekend's snows have passed, leaving only a thin layer that dissipated by evening yesterday. The weather is supposed to clear today and then bring in rain tonight. I decided to make use of the full day of daylight, which is one that stretches to nearly eleven hours and leaves me plenty of time for a commute before and after a work day of 8.5 hours.
Early in the season, as I return to commuting by bike, I expect each way to take up to an hour. So I prepared my departure in anticipation of sunrise at 7:30, and I left as soon as it was well lit, by 7:20.
The bikeway was clean for the most part. Some light mud remained on the path underneath I-75; muddy tractor tracks documented some recent work removing trees near the firemen's training station; very light frost clung to the bridges west and south of Eastwood Park. Otherwise, the way was free of fallen branches and broken glass. This year's light touch of Winter has been easy on the bikeway, which allowed me to begin bike-commuting almost a month earlier than any year that I've kept records.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 34 to 35°F at 07:15
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm to 5 mph from the southwest
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, quilted tights, Gore-tex jacket, ankle socks, quilted gloves
Bike: Trek 850
Time: 00:49:39 for 11.86 miles
Heart rate: 142 bpm HRave, 159 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 1 cyclist, 1 pedestrian
Playback of the ride
14 February 2012
Green lane envy, misplaced
A recent L.A. Times article on the green tone required for painted bike lanes was off in a world of photographic speculation, I guess. At issue, according to the journalist, is the color of green mandated by federal transportation and that it cannot easily be digitally erased from images. The writer focuses on "the color" itself, without realizing the issue is whether the color is evenly toned. Wheel marks, subtleties of light and shadow, and other factors make digital scrubbing difficult. Not the particular shade of green.
12 February 2012
Short MoMBA ride
Sunday, 12 February 2012
This is the week to start commuting by bike for another year. The daylight is strong enough for leaving home by 7:20, even on cloudy days, and for returning home by 6:30 in the evening. So there's plenty of time to put in eight hours of work. ...Now if Kodak doesn't lay me off as part of its stated aim of reducing the workforce by 16%, I can be cycling as much as 125 miles per week just in a daily commute.
Today, Sunday, was extremely cold, in comparison to the Winter we've had in Dayton so far. The bikeways were covered with a light snow that had fallen yesterday. But an alternative, the MetroParks Mountain Biking Area was open, according the the daily update on their phone line (937-277-4374).
I took Howard, my 11-year-old yellow Labrador with me, and he alternately followed and led me on the Twisted trail and the Mr. Zig-Zag trail. For the early half of the ride, trails were frozen pretty solidly, but by 11:45, the trail segments that received direct sunlight had thawed and the mud built up. So I decided to follow only two of the trails. The decision was good for another reason too, because Howard's stamina started to fail with only a half trail left to cover. He'll sleep well tonight.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 21 to 25°F at 12:00 noon
Precipitation: none currently, but about an inch of snow still covering the ground
Winds: 11 to 15 mph from the north and west
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, quilted tights, Goretex light jacket, ankle socks, quilted gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed gear
Time: 00:32:45 for 2.69 miles
Heart rate: 142 bpm HRave, 164 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 3 cyclists, 1 dog
Playback of the ride
This is the week to start commuting by bike for another year. The daylight is strong enough for leaving home by 7:20, even on cloudy days, and for returning home by 6:30 in the evening. So there's plenty of time to put in eight hours of work. ...Now if Kodak doesn't lay me off as part of its stated aim of reducing the workforce by 16%, I can be cycling as much as 125 miles per week just in a daily commute.
Today, Sunday, was extremely cold, in comparison to the Winter we've had in Dayton so far. The bikeways were covered with a light snow that had fallen yesterday. But an alternative, the MetroParks Mountain Biking Area was open, according the the daily update on their phone line (937-277-4374).
I took Howard, my 11-year-old yellow Labrador with me, and he alternately followed and led me on the Twisted trail and the Mr. Zig-Zag trail. For the early half of the ride, trails were frozen pretty solidly, but by 11:45, the trail segments that received direct sunlight had thawed and the mud built up. So I decided to follow only two of the trails. The decision was good for another reason too, because Howard's stamina started to fail with only a half trail left to cover. He'll sleep well tonight.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 21 to 25°F at 12:00 noon
Precipitation: none currently, but about an inch of snow still covering the ground
Winds: 11 to 15 mph from the north and west
Clothing: Skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, quilted tights, Goretex light jacket, ankle socks, quilted gloves
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed gear
Time: 00:32:45 for 2.69 miles
Heart rate: 142 bpm HRave, 164 bpm HRmax
Bikeway users: 3 cyclists, 1 dog
Playback of the ride
mountain bike,
yellow bike
31 January 2012
Bikeway projects listed by MVRPC
The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) held a series of public meetings in October 2011 to encourage participation in the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update. The update includes a draft list of transportation projects for all forms of transportation, including bicycling.
The list includes these projects that may be completed in 2012:
The cycling projects in the list (for activity from 2012 through 2040) are coded on the map with these letter-number designations:
Montgomery County, clockwise from top left
The list includes these projects that may be completed in 2012:
- In Montgomery County
- Centerville-Dayton connector trail from downtown Dayton 6.4 miles to Kettering
- Kettering Trail south from the Kettering Business Park 1.5 miles to the corner of Stroop and Wilmington
- Connector trail along Austin Road, north of the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport, 1.0 mile toward and through Waldruhe Park, then north on the eastern side of SR 741 to connect with an existing trail
- In Greene County
- Bellbrook-Fairborn connector trail from the existing bikeway at New Germany-Trebein
Road (the Fairfield Commons-WSU Connector), traveling north across I-675 for 0.5 mile to
Colonel Glenn Highway - Mad River Trail east from Eastwood Park, 3.4 miles to Huffman Metro Park
- Xenia-Jamestown connector trail from Xenia Station, 3.7 miles to Jasper Road
- In Miami County
- Great Miami River Trail pedestrian bridge across the Great Miami River, 1600 feet south of Peterson Road
Map of 2012-2014 cycling projects. Click to enlarge. |
Montgomery County, clockwise from top left
- G3—Wolf Creek Trail linking the segments from J.H.McGee Boulevard, 2.2 miles to Vickwood Lane unfunded
- M2—Wolf Creek connector trail along US 40 from Union Boulevard 0.6 mile to the Englewood
Reserve unfunded - M1—Wolf Creek connector trail along Union Road from the Wolf Creek Bikeway 4.1 miles to the
existing path at I-70 unfunded - L3—Stillwater River Trail from the existing Englewood Reserve Bikeway, 10.4 miles north along the Stillwater River corridor, to SR 55 unfunded
- L1—Stillwater River Trail from existing bikeway at Sinclair Park, north 4.7 miles to Grossnickle
Park unfunded - U3—Carriage Hills connector trail from Huffman MetroPark to Carriage Hill MetroPark via Union
School House, Baker, Kitridge, and Bellefontaine Roads 8.3 miles unfunded - X1—Great Miami River-Creekside connector trail paralleling US 35 to 4th St. along rail right of way then west to Keowee St and North to Monument Avenue 3.1 miles unfunded
- J1—Centerville-Dayton connector trail from downtown Dayton 6.4 miles to Kettering that uses a combination of on-street and off-street facilities funded 2012
- D1—Kettering Trail south from the Kettering Business Park 1.5 miles to proposed bikeway (see J2b) terminus at Stroop and Wilmington funded 2012
- C7—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail from existing SR 725 bikeway,
0.7 mile east from Marwyck Drive to Wilmington Pike unfunded - J4—Centerville-Dayton connector trail from Boyce Road, 2.4 miles to Social Row Road using Clareridge Lane, Spring Valley and Atchison Roads unfunded
- J3 (not on map)—Centerville-Dayton connector trail with bicycle/pedestrian crossing at I-675, 0.33 mi east of Loop Road and 0.5 mile to Alex Bell Road unfunded
- C5—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail east along residential streets from McEwen Road 5.0 mile to Alexandersville-Bellbrook Pike unfunded
- C4—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail (bike lane retrofit) 0.4 mile of Spring Valley Pike to between Yankee St. and McEwan Road unfunded
- N1—River Corridors connector trail 10.7 miles along Miamisburg-Springboro Road, Austin Pike, Social Row Road between Medlar Road and Wilmington-Dayton Road; widen shoulders on Ferry Road, Lytle Road between Wilmington-Dayton Road and North St. in Corwin; develop signed on-street bikeway along North St. and Corwin Road to Little Miami Scenic River Trail unfunded
- N1a—Connector trail along Austin Road, north of the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport, 1.0 mile toward and through Waldruhe Park, then north on the eastern side of SR 741 to connect with an existing trail funded 2012
- T1—East-West Corridors connector trail facilities along SR 741 between Austin Pike and Cox
Arboretum (including path between Austin Pike and Miami Village Drive; bike lanes from Miami Village Dr, 3.9 miles to Lyons Road; sidewalks and wide outside lanes between Lyons Road and Cox Arboretum) unfunded - V1—Great Miami River-Centerville connector trail following 8.2 miles of local streets and shared use paths that connect Moraine, West Carrollton, Washington Township, Centerville, and Bellbrook via Cox Arboretum, Yankee Park, Grant Park and Pleasant Hill Park unfunded
- N2—River Corridors connector trail from Miami Twp. at the Great Miami River Trail 2.1 miles to Miamisburg-Springboro Road unfunded
- C2—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail using widened shoulders on Lower
Miamisburg Road, Riverview Ave., and Maue Road, 6.8 miles between SR 4 and
Alexandersville Road unfunded - C1—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail along Twin Creek from Main St, 1.0 mile to intersection of SR 4 and SR 725 unfunded
- M3—Wolf Creek connector trail using widened shoulders on Union Road from existing Wolf Creek Trail in Trotwood 11.6 miles to SR 725 unfunded
- K11—Great Miami River Trail on Gettysburg Avenue, 1.6 miles to West River Road via Guthrie Road and McArthur Park unfunded
- K10—Great Miami River Trail on the west river bank from Stewart
street, 3.0 miles to Gettysburg Avenue and spur to Sunwatch Indian Village unfunded - G2—Wolf Creek Trail from J.H. McGee Boulevard, 2.0 miles to Vickwood Lane unfunded
- I4—Bellbrook-Fairborn connector trail 1.0 mile north through Wright State University from Colonel Glenn Hwy. to Kauffman Ave. unfunded
- I3—Bellbrook-Fairborn connector trail from the existing bikeway at New Germany-Trebein
Road (the Fairfield Commons-WSU Connector), traveling north across I-675 for 0.5 mile to
Colonel Glenn Highway funded 2012 - B1—Fairborn-Yellow Springs-Cedarville connector trail from South Street, 1.6 miles to Xenia Drive (Add bike lanes on Xenia Drive between Yellow Springs-Fairfield Road.) unfunded
- E1 (not on map)—Mad River Trail east from Eastwood Park, 3.4 miles to Huffman Metro Park funded 2012
- E4—Mad River Trail northeast from existing Mad River Corridor Bikeway along former
railroad, 2.8 miles to Enon unfunded - B3—Fairborn-Yellow Springs-Cedarville connector trail, 6.1 miles (Widen shoulders on Yellow Springs-Fairfield Road between Xenia Drive and Little Miami Scenic Trail.) unfunded
- B4—Fairborn-Yellow Springs-Cedarville connector trail using widened shoulders on SR 343 and SR
72 between Yellow Springs and Cedarville unfunded - O2—Bowersville-Jamestown-Clifton connector trail using widened shoulders on Charleston Road
and Selma-Jamestown Road from Jamestown 10.4 miles to Greene/Clark county line unfunded - O1—Bowersville-Jamestown-Clifton connector trail using widened shoulders on SR 72 from Bowersville 5.4 miles to Jamestown unfunded
- C11—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail using widened shoulders 16.3 miles between Spring Valley and Bowersville via Spring Valley-Pointersville Road and Hussey Road unfunded
- C10 —Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail from Sackett-Wright Park in Bellbrook, 4.6 miles to the Little Miami Scenic Trail unfunded
- I1 (not on map)—Bellbrook-Fairborn connector trail from SR 725 along W. Walnut St., 0.3 mile to existing bikeway at Bellbrook Park unfunded
- I2—Bellbrook-Fairborn connector trail 5.5 miles north along Upper Bellbrook, Feedwire, S. Alpha-
Bellbrook, Stutsman, and N. Fairfield Road, to Seajay Drive unfunded - H1 (not on map)—Xenia-Jamestown connector trail from Xenia Station, 3.7 miles to Jasper Road funded 2012
- C8 (not on map)—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail east along SR 725, from Wilmington Pike to 0.02 miles east unfunded
- C9 (not on map)—Germantown-Spring Valley-Bowersville connector trail east along SR 725, from Bellevue Drive, 0.5 mile to Rosecrest Drive unfunded
- N1—See Montgomery County
- Q1—Cardinal Trail using widened shoulders along the Cardinal Trail route (Covington-
Gettysburg Road) from Covington 4.7 miles to the Miami/Darke County line unfunded - A1—Covington-Piqua "Fletcher Connector Trail" from Cardinal Trail, 3.5 miles north on High Street to abandoned Conrail right-of-way, then east along right-of-way unfunded
- K7—Great Miami River Trail north from Johnston Farm, 2.1 miles to the County Line
- Y2 (not on map)—Piqua Bikeway Hub redeveloped historical building at the intersection of the Great Miami River trail and the Piqua-Covington Fletcher Trail unfunded
- K6b (not on map)—Great Miami River Trail from Riverside Drive, 1.5 miles to Eldean Road unfunded
- K6e—Great Miami River Trail pedestrian bridge across the Great Miami River, 1600 feet south of Peterson Road funded 2012
- Q2—Cardinal Trail using widened shoulders along the Cardinal Trail route from Covington 20.1 miles to the Miami/Champaign County line (Spring St., CR 30, Farrington Road, Peterson Road, Alcony-Canover Road, and Loy Road) unfunded
- A2—Fletcher connector trail from Piqua, 9.0 miles to and Miami/Champaign county line via Garbry’s Big Woods Reserve and Sanctuary unfunded
- P1—Troy-Fletcher connector trail using widened shoulders along SR 55 and SR 589, providing an on-street 10.6-mile bikeway linking Troy, Casstown, and Fletcher unfunded
- U2—Carriage Hills connector trail from Carriage Hills MetroPark 8.0 miles to New Carlisle via widened shoulders on SR 202, Singer Road, Palmer Road, SR 571, Dayton-Brandt Road, and former railroad corridor between Dayton-Brandt Road and New Carlisle unfunded
- U1—Carriage Hills connector trail from Great Miami River Trail 4.2 miles to Carriage Hills MetroPark through Carriage Trails development unfunded
- Y1 (not on map)—Troy Bikeway Hub constructed structure unfunded
- R2—Laura-Troy connector trail paralleling SR 55 and along former Penn Central Railroad from Ludlow Falls 7.6 miles to Troy unfunded
- L3—See Montgomery County
- R1—Laura-Troy connector trail along former railroad corridor from Laura 6.1 miles to Ludlow Falls unfunded
- L5—Stillwater River Trail roughly paralleling SR 48 from Covington, 10.0 miles to Ludlow Falls unfunded
- F1—Great Miami-Little Miami connector trail along SR
123 from downtown Franklin through Clear Creek 3.6 miles to Lower Springboro Road unfunded - F2—Great Miami-Little Miami connector trail on Lower Springboro Road from proposed
Clear Creek Trail 8.2 miles to US 42 unfunded - K9—Great Miami River Trail from Baxter Drive, 2.0 miles to Miami River Preserve Park unfunded
- T2—East-West Corridors connector trail (bike lanes) on SR 741 from Springboro High School
4.1 miles to Austin Pike unfunded
Daylight comes
The daylight wins ever so gradually more of the time cycle from night. As I eat breakfast and care for my dog Howard, I watch for the first glimpse of sunrise. It's 6:58 and still dark, though a lightening haze floats over the houses to the east.
Last night, driving through Kettering on an errand to buy another bag of special dog food for Howard, I found myself thinking It's already too dark to be biking home, and here it is 6:17. As I left work a half hour ago, I thought that it was light enough to still be well-enough lit after a forty-minute commute. But that first hopeful thought was proven wrong.
I had looked up the sunrise and sunset times a week ago and decided that Valentine's Day might be the first day with a workable amount of sunlight to allow a bike commute.Sunrise at 7:31 and sunset at 6:11 will leave10 hours and 40 minutes for eight and a half hours of work and an hour and a half for the commute.
As long as the weather holds.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 45 to 48°F at 07:11
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm to 10 mph from the south
Sunrise today: 07:46
Sunset today: 17:55
Last night, driving through Kettering on an errand to buy another bag of special dog food for Howard, I found myself thinking It's already too dark to be biking home, and here it is 6:17. As I left work a half hour ago, I thought that it was light enough to still be well-enough lit after a forty-minute commute. But that first hopeful thought was proven wrong.
I had looked up the sunrise and sunset times a week ago and decided that Valentine's Day might be the first day with a workable amount of sunlight to allow a bike commute.Sunrise at 7:31 and sunset at 6:11 will leave10 hours and 40 minutes for eight and a half hours of work and an hour and a half for the commute.
As long as the weather holds.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 45 to 48°F at 07:11
Precipitation: none
Winds: calm to 10 mph from the south
Sunrise today: 07:46
Sunset today: 17:55
29 January 2012
Preparation for 2012 commuting
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Winds were not too bad on my way to the gym, but the return trip was a slog through the westerly winds. The gym workout was a scaled-down upper body session.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 32 to 39°F between 13:30 and 16:15
Precipitation: none
Winds: 18 to 23 mph from the west
Clothing: Longsleeve skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, light tights, ankle socks, light Neoprene jacket, full-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850
Time: 01:30:51 for 17.44 miles
Heart rate: 140 bpm HRave, 166 bpm HRmax
Playback of the ride
Winds were not too bad on my way to the gym, but the return trip was a slog through the westerly winds. The gym workout was a scaled-down upper body session.
Ride conditions
Temperature: 32 to 39°F between 13:30 and 16:15
Precipitation: none
Winds: 18 to 23 mph from the west
Clothing: Longsleeve skinsuit, longsleeve undershirt, light tights, ankle socks, light Neoprene jacket, full-finger gloves
Bike: Trek 850
Time: 01:30:51 for 17.44 miles
Heart rate: 140 bpm HRave, 166 bpm HRmax
Playback of the ride
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