
17 April 2011

Bike fun day—Sunday to the gym

Though the sun was shining, the wind hasn't been told that it's no longer March. I benefited from the gusts up to 20 mph on my way east and south to the Cardinal Fitness at Smithville and Forrer, but I got a challenge for my ride back.The wind coming up the Mad River and Great Miami River was especially tough, and I had no gear to shift to on the Lotus fixed gear.

Since I planned to work in the garden all afternoon, I decided on stopping at the Brunch Club for a late breakfast. My indulgence included Eggs Benedict and a side of two pancakes. My gardening included transplanting a Japanese mum, pulling out several crabapple volunteers and diseased junipers, and planting a forsythia, two peonies, and three Calla lilies.

Ride conditions
Temperature: 51 to 63°F at 11:30 and 15:15
Precipitation: none
Winds: 10 to 15 mph, gusts to 20 mph from the west and south
Clothing: 2-layer top, 1-layer bottom; ankle socks. Open-finger gloves.
Bike: Lotus fixed-gear
Time: 1:37:00 (approx.) for 25.39 miles
Bikeway users: no data

11:50—departing from home.
12:04—passing the zig-zag down to the Mad River Bikeway.
12:12—passing the west gate to Eastwood Park.
12:25—passing the trestle remains at Linden.
12:39—arriving at Cardinal Fitness.
 49 minutes
13:31—depart from Cardinal Fitness.
13:44—trestle remains at Linden.
13:55—west gate to Eastwood Park
14:08—passing the zig-zag up from the Mad River Bikeway.
14:19—arrive at Brunch Club.
48 minutes
Last leg home not timed, approximately 10 minutes.

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