
08 April 2011

Rain day #12—and a welcome rest day

Thunderstorms started booming their way into the Miami Valley last night. A light rain falls even this morning, though the online weather radar shows most heavy rains are much further to the north. It's a day for driving, and a chance for rest that I can use well. Not only am I tired from lack of sleep, my butt has started to develop saddle sores. (I'll write in more depth on saddle sores.)

And a chance for errands, including picking up the Trek 850 from Kettering Bike Shop and leaving off the Lotus, which has developed a worrisome click in the bottom bracket. I need to shop for food too, at least for the staples of a week's breakfasts and dinners. And Practice Yoga has a special Vinyasa this evening with live music by BJSR, a cooly supple musician-yogi I've seen beside me in class.

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