
06 April 2011

Bike-commute day 12—home and weight training

At 17:20 I wondered, To the gym today? Maybe so, it's early enough, and I closed down my workplace by 17:30. So today is the first timed record of the commute with a "rest period" for a light weight training.

This weight training was pretty light, since I haven't been to the gym for about 10 days. Three sets each of bench press, prone flyes, military press, dumbbell curls, cable rows.

My typical workout that's part of a commute focuses on upper body, and if I go a second day in a row, that workout focuses on the abdominal core. It's usually only during the winter that I pay much attention to weight training for the legs.

Temperature: 69 to 74°F at 17:15, 66 to 68°F at 19:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: 10 to 20 mph
Clothing: Just 1 layer (skinsuit); ankle socks.; open-finger gloves.
Time: 1:05:00 for 15.77 miles
Bikeway users: 11 cyclists, 22 pedestrians, 1 dog

18:01—depart from work.
18:18—arrive at Cardinal Fitness.
18:44—depart from Cardinal Fitness.
18:54—trestle remains at Linden.
19:06—west gate to Eastwood Park
19:17—passing the zig-zag up from the Mad River Bikeway.
19:32—arrive home.

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