
05 April 2011

Bike-commute day 11—Linh's restau and home

Tonight's ride home was a bit weird.  I decided in the locker room to dress with only two layers, and I packed all four layers that I had worn this morning. Yeah, I knew that it was cooler than 50°F; yeah, I even asked Hunter Everett if he had been outside and whether I should add at least the Lycra tights.

But I found myself walking to the Lotus and thinking Well, it's not really cold, but it sure is cool. By the time the whipping winds took hold of my ride at the north edge of Research Park, I told myself I can stop anywhere, pull out a layer, and add it to my kit. I stopped at the Grismer store at Woodman, ripped off my shoes, pulled out the Lycra, pulled on the tights, tugged the crotch up, and then pulled the wool-Lycra jacket out, and put it on.

The wind and chill changed my mind about going to the gym, and determined my commute would include a nice, hot dinner at Linh's. So 15 minutes into my commute, I was seated and enjoying two goi cuon, and anticipating a steaming bowl of Hu Thieu ga saté (Chicken-shrimp noodle soup). Dayton marketing guru and political activist David Esrati came in with his family and knew that I was stopping at the best restau in Dayton on my way home from work.

Fully satisfied, I resumed my commute and arrived home after a leisurely ride.

Temperature: 46 to 50°F at 17:35, 46 to 48°F at 19:45
Precipitation: none
Winds: 10 to 20 mph
Clothing: Top 2 layers (Lycra longlseeve undershirt, skinsuit); ankle socks.; open-finger gloves. Then top 3 layers and bottom 2 layers.
Time: 0:xx:xx (no timepiece) for 11.86 miles
Bikeway users: 0 cyclists, 11 pedestrians, 5 dogs

17:55—depart from work.
—trestle remains at Linden.
dinner at Linh's
—west gate to Eastwood Park
—passing the zig-zag up from the Mad River Bikeway.
19:45—arrive home. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just checked Linh's menu. Nothing for veg*ns. Oh well, there is always Little Saigon.
