
06 July 2011

Bike-commute day 48—hitching a ride home

Wednesday, 6 July 2011.

Chuck picked me up after work. I hoped to wheedle him into going with me to the gym on the way home, but he wanted to eat as soon as possible. Except he wanted to stop at Linh's Market also to buy their Vietnamese sandwiches for tomorrow's dinner. Food, food, and more food is the driver of our household. His metabolism is so very different from mine. He needs at least a nibble every few hours, but I have coffee before my morning commute, a bagel sometime between 9 and 10, a pasta lunch around 1 p.m., and then dinner around 8. When he's ready for a dessert at the end of the evening, I'm yawning and cranky, nearly asleep on my feet. And sound asleep by 11:30.

So dinner tonight centered on thick veal T-bones grilled with a citrus rub and the sides include some perciatelle with fresh pesto, leftover roasted corn with chipotle, and a salad of iceberg wedges and watermelon slices. After I changed my tire and tube, we finished dinner with cocoanut ice cream and fresh raspberries.

I changed only the rear tire and tube, just what failed on my commute this morning. I plan to change the front tire, which shows some less amount of wear, over the weekend. I think it's always good to change both tires at the same time, just to keep it simpler with the same mileage for each tire. But the rear tire always will wear faster than the front, since the drive wheel receives more torque and develops more friction than the steering wheel.

The Garmin time and mileage for this replacement is 25:23:02 at 416.38 miles. I'm trying out a new tire to me: the Michelin ERiLiUM/2/ with Kevlar.(The Michelin website indicates this tire is no longer available. I remember buying it as a close-out at a local bike store.)

Changing a tire is only a bit more involved than changing a tube. The package for my Bontrager tube has 14 steps for replacing a tube, and the only missing step is to shake about a teaspoon of talcum powder into the fresh tire and to dust the inside of the tire and rim with the powder before inserting the tube. The powder acts as a dry lubricant between the rim, tube, and tire, which allows you to make the small shifts necessary to position the valve stem vertically through the valve hole and allows the tube to make a small changes in position as it is being pumped to full inflation. The Michelin package suggests an inflation pressure of 7.75 bar (about 112 psi) for my weight.

Ride conditions
Temperature: 89 to 95°F at 17:20
Precipitation: none
Winds: 5 mph varied southerly
Clothing: Jeans, polo shirt, bare feet
Bike: Lotus Legend fixed gear—onto the shoulder and into the hatch of my Mazda MPV
Time:  unrecorded
Heart rate: 78 to 97 bpm HRrest
Bikeway users: not me
There is no playback of the ride.

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